Compensation: $150/day + gas/food
Shooting Dates: 1 day, Dates TBD
Location: San Antonio/Austin area.
Auditions will be via Skype/Zoom/etc.
1 crew, Social Distancing and safety precaution practices will be implemented.
Title: Lucy’s Choice
Length: 14 pgs (short film)
Synopsis: Lucy loves her boyfriend Mario, but due to a prior traumatic experience, Lucy makes a life-changing decision that will jeopardize their relationship.
Lucy is an independent socialite. She’s confident, driven, goal-oriented, and strong-minded. These traits over power her kindness and love, and due to past trauma, she has difficulty empathizing with others who are weak or in her way. She holds no grudges or regrets.
Slender/Athletic preferred, must be able to perform “British” accent.
No prior acting experience needed.
Payment: Paid
City or Location of call: San Antonio, Texas Please submit to: jessefilmmaker@protonmail.com by 2020-08-01 Headshot, resume, demo reel (if available)