BTH Holds Non-Equity/Open Auditions for Pygmalion
Before The Horse Entertainment announces auditions for a March production of George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, directed by Duane Langley. Auditions are November 5 at 6 pm at Lyman B. Goff Middle School, 974 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket, RI. No reservations are necessary. This is a compensated acting opportunity.
Please bring a headshot and resume, if possible. Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Rehearsals will start at the end of November/early December for a March open. Any questions please contact
This production is a new adaptation for the stage, with a focus on using what is available to us in the theatre today, while remaining as genuine as possible to Shaw’s original text. This is NOT My Fair Lady, this is Pygmalion. We are seeking an ensemble of actors with a dedication to movement and great facility with accents. Actively seeking all ethnicities for all roles.
The roles are as follows:
Eliza Doolittle – a common flower girl from Lisson Grove, feral and feisty, all instinct, determined to better herself and not get kicked in the process. She is a strong-willed street urchin whose journey to a more refined young woman has many stops along the way, from the patina of elegance that hasn’t become inherent (a crust of civility over the street-smarts, a now proper accent employed on some very improper speech), to an educated, far-seeing young woman who suddenly discovers both longing, other ambitions, and appetite, along with a new understanding that far from being elevated and set free she has simply exchanged one kind of box for another.
Colonel Pickering – an old-fashioned scholar and gentleman in the true sense of the word, passionate about dialect and languages, kindly, has spent a great deal of time in East India–a Pukka Sahib as they say. He’s not above making a sporting bet about dialect and class when his interest is piqued, but at base insists on treating people like human beings.
Mrs. Pearce – the long-suffering housekeeper for Henry Higgins. Tart, can be intimidating, keeps his house running amid the chaos, but can also be charmed by her irascible, unpredictable boss. She waivers between horror and wild pity for the waif of a young woman who has been thrust under her roof.
Alfred Doolittle – Eliza’s father, a dustman, a cockney rogue, cocky, brilliant in his own understanding of his own morality and code of ethics, exceedingly clever with language and the cat who always lights on his feet, proud of being one of the undeserving poor, and as a result, finds himself elevated to middle-class respectability with, to him, horrifying consequences.
Mrs. Higgins – Henry’s mother, wise, intelligent, with a wry, dry sense of humor, she is herself broad-minded in her thinking, but likes to observe societal conventions and is constantly challenged by her son’s unconventional, occasionally boorish ways. Not above going against her son when his blind arrogance deserves it.
Mrs. Eynsford Hill – financially of the middle-class, but perhaps used to belong to the upper class, and still behaving as though that’s her milieu. She longs to still be part of good society, and her financial strictures very much get in her way. The mother of Freddy and Clara, she is trying to do her best for her children, with great compassion for their youth and situation.
Freddy Eynsford Hill – somewhat bumbling, ineffectual, but charming in an earnest, young gentlemanly British sort of way, henpecked a bit by his sister, eager to please, well-meaning, eventually bowled over and utterly charmed by the vision that is the new Eliza Dolittle.
Clara Eynsford Hill – the daughter of Mrs. Eynsford-Hill, she feels the financial restrictions keenly and this constant need to grasp for what they can’t quite reach makes her shrill, occasionally unkind, and preoccupied with fitting in with the latest trends in both society and fashion. By turns petulant, yearning, snobbish, and gullibly charmed.
Ensemble – two men and two women to play bystanders, servants, and others of various classes, ages – so facilities with accents and characters a plus.
The role of Professor Higgins has been Cast.
Note: Shaw’s Pygmalion is widely available in print or online. There are also film versions available on YouTube, etc. if you’re looking for film/video.
If you’re interested in any positions on our Production Staff, visit
Payment: Paid
City or Location of call: Providence, Rhode Island Please submit to: