Casting directors are now casting actors, models, and talent to work on Monday, August 12th in Decatur, Georgia.
Producers are seeking the following types:
[Featured Patient] Black or Hispanic Female; age 18-25; must be able to play as if you’re having a seizure; must be comfortable with spfx blood and make-up on skin; tentative shoot date Wednesday, August 21st; include reel and headshot to be considered; rate $150/8; plus make-up bump. .[Featured Nurse] Open Ethnicity; Female; ages 25-40’s; comfortable handling props and taking direction from director; include reel and headshot to be considered; tentative shoot date Thursday, August 5th in Decatur, GA.
About Black Lightning:
Black Lightning centers on Jefferson Pierce (Cress Williams). He made his choice: He hung up the suit and his secret identity years ago, but with a daughter, Jennifer (China Anne McCain) hellbent on justice and a star student being recruited by a local gang, he’ll be pulled back into the fight as the wanted vigilante and DC legend Black Lightning.
How to audition?
To audition for a role on the TV series, check out the casting call breakdown below.
Black Lightning Casting Call
(READ CAREFULLY PLEASE BEFORE SUBMITTING) . Currently looking to cast (2) Featured Roles for our upcoming episode. Must be available to interview in person with Director on Monday, August 12th in Decatur for Featured Patient role; See tentative shoot dates and breakdown below. . [Featured Patient] Black or Hispanic Female; age 18-25; must be able to play as if you’re having a seizure; must be comfortable with spfx blood and make-up on skin; tentative shoot date Wednesday, August 21st; include reel and headshot to be considered; rate $150/8; plus make-up bump. . [Featured Nurse] Open Ethnicity; Female; ages 25-40’s; comfortable handling props and taking direction from director; include reel and headshot to be considered; tentative shoot date Thursday, August 5th in Decatur, GA. . If available email recent photos, include LEGAL name, age, phone, height, weight, all clothing sizes, (including shoes) to: BLACKLIGHTNINGEXTRAS@gmail.com . . SUBJECT: “Featured Patient” SUBJECT: “Featured Nurse” . . Rate $125/8; OT after 8hrs . *IF YOU HAVE AN OUT OF STATE NUMBER, YOU MUST NOTE CITY OF RESIDENCE TO BE CONSIDERED*