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Casting for Upcoming COVID Campaign - Richmond Virginia

Greetings everyone!

Just got another project in for the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) for their upcoming COVID campaign. Here is what we know:


–Talent 1 – African American Female – age 18 – 30

–Talent 2 – Hispanic Female – age 45 – 55

–Talent 3 – Caucasian Female – age 30 – 45

–Talent 4 – African American Male – age 60+

–Talent 5 – Caucasian Male – age 50 – 65

–Talent 6 – Hispanic Male – age 18 – 30

–Talent must be relatable, everyday people who can speak from the heart and ask questions with earnest concern. See audition specs below.

–Dates: The project is current evolving. The shoot may take place as early as 1/13 or any time before 1/23. This is TBD by the client and they will coordinate with talent as the project evolves.

–Location: Richmond, VA

–Rate: $600 per talent less agency fees (20% nonunion) and includes buy referenced above. If they decide to go broadcast, then there will be additional compensation

–Usage: Unlimited buy for online and social use only. If they want to run broadcast, they will come back for an additional buy.

If you meet the specs above and would like to audition, we need to you SELF TAPE with the following:

–Slate first and last name

–Answer the questions: “What would you like to ask a doctor about the COVID-19 vaccine? Do you have any concerns about it?” (Be sure to talk long enough for them to get a feel for you and your personality.)

AUDITION NOTES: Please ask the actors to wear their most everyday clothes…not to dress to impress! We want them to feel as real and relatable as possible. If they happen to work at a job that has a uniform or specific outfit, they could also wear that (bus driver, firefighter, city worker, etc.).

Please send your 1 ORIGINAL Self Tape to by Monday, 1/11 at 9 am (sooner is better).

COVID procedures will be followed on set/during tapes. More information will be provided to selected talent.

Questions? Let me know!


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