Quarantwinned is a family comedy web series following two sisters (Ava and Olivia) who are left home alone when stay-at-home orders are passed. The series is web-camera based, meaning that actors will film from their homes. This is meant as a fun project for actors to have the opportunity to work and gain experience while most productions have been cancelled. Everyone will receive copy and IMDb credit. We want participating in this series to be fun and stress free, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, and we look forward to working with you!
The Following Roles Are Open:
Mary Mitchell (F, 30-45, Series Regular)- Ava and Olivia’s mother. Mary gets stuck out of town when the stay-at-home orders are passed. She is warm and loving, and sees right through her daughters’ shenanigans. Mary must be a great actress with good comic timing. Experience for this role is highly preferred but not necessary. Adults (M or F, 18-70, Co-Star)- A variety of roles are open to adults of any age, gender, and ethnicity. Roles include news reporter, famous chef, veterinarian, dance teacher, and more. Please submit all actors regardless of experience level. Middle School Shakespeare Actors (M or F, 10-14, Guest-Star)- Seeking four middle-school aged actors to be a part of the virtual Romeo and Juliet performance that will take place in one of the episodes. Roles are possible reoccuring, so comedy experience is a plus. Training or experience in Shakespeare IS A MUST! Please do not submit children that have never done Shakespeare in some capacity.
Payment: Other
City or Location of call: Nationwide Please submit to: thesomerstwins@gmail.com by 2020-05-15 Interested Actors Should Fill Out This Google Form: https://forms.gle/GE6xz1FQV7h9iFgJ7