We are seeking a male of color that highly opinionated to audition for the pilot of our debate show, The Panel. Auditions take place Monday November 25th from 1-5pm. We are located at 101 Marietta St. NW, Centennial Tower 6th Floor. Call this number once you enter the lobby of the building: (404) 600-1201 ext. 2000.
Also seeking:
Rachel – Biracial 30-40s female to play a mother of a 5-year-old child. Lead role.
Michael – Biracial 5-8 year-old-boy. Lead Role
Payment: Non Paid
City or Location of call: 101 Marietta St. NW, Centennial Tower 6th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia, 30303 Please submit to: teamblackifilms@blackination.com