OPEN CASTING CALL (TZD Production, LLC 2020)
For Women Bikers and Non Bikers
Non-Union Actors (male and female) needed for various roles of a dynamic project- about the ATL BIKE LIFE. This is UN-PAID gig but the opportunity to build your resume. And a strong possibility for a call back for the cast of the feature.
This is a fast moving project! We are seeking women & men of all types who have industry experience/training.
Must have reliable transportation and an updated email address. Please submit a recent head and a full body photo. (Cell phone pictures are acceptable) Include your height – also, Include whether you own a motorcycle.
Women – African American, Asian, Latin and Caucasian (21 – 50) Men – African American (25 – 45) Caucasian (25 – 45)
Please, ONLY serious inquires! Email: or Call: 770-744-4992
Payment: Non Paid
City or Location of call: Atlanta, Georgia and the surrounding area Please submit to: by 2020-11-02 see intruction in the casting notice
