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Hilton Hotel commercial is now casting Speaking Roles as it films - $2000 - Miami Florida


Casting directors are now casting actors, models, and talent to work on scenes filming in Miami, Florida this September 9th through the 13th.

Producers are seeking the following types:

MIAMI FUNNY LADY 25 to 35 years old, all ethnicities female. She is a hip working woman who travels lots for work. Must have great comedic chops! She will be shown in alternate realities–Making all the wrong moves/being exhausted throughout her trip vs using all the Hilton “travel tips” and living her best life…making the most of her time in an exciting new city. Must be okay with jogging/working out. She easily goes from heels to sneakers/professional to fun.

How to apply:

MIAMI – HILTON HOTEL COMMERCIAL FEMALE COMEDIANS FROM MIAMI- NY AND LA ONLY- submitting asap ! Shoots Sept 9 – 13 Rate: $2000 flat includes up to 3 shoot days, (likely 2 days). Location: Miami, Florida in case you’re located in NYC or LA, ONLY. send pictures, phone and any comedic demos/reel, link of previous comedy work, and current location to *age is just approx*

MIAMI FUNNY LADY 25 to 35 years old, all ethnicities female. She is a hip working woman who travels lots for work. Must have great comedic chops! She will be shown in alternate realities–Making all the wrong moves/being exhausted throughout her trip vs using all the Hilton “travel tips” and living her best life…making the most of her time in an exciting new city. Must be okay with jogging/working out. She easily goes from heels to sneakers/professional to fun.

Must have great comedic timing. She is a 25-35 year old woman who travels lots for work. These spots are about someone “Doing the Most” and making the most of their business trip. It will highlight a jet-lagged/exhausted her vs. a her that makes all the right moves to make the most of her time in a new city, and living her best life. MUST HAVE COMEDIC TIMING.


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