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Fashion Brand Casting Call - New York

CASTING: Film for Fashion Brand NYC Shoot Dates: Dec 19, 2020 AND December 20, 2020 (Please indicate if you are also available on the 21st) Paid Job

Seeking: Kids: Males & Females ages 7-12. Open to all ethnicities, but the client is leaning towards African-American or Latin/Hispanic. Must be able to follow direction & show different ranges of emotions, so acting experience is a plus. If the client likes your look, self-tape instructions will be sent to you.

If available & interested, submit name, age, photos, Instagram, resume, & union status to Must be available on December 19 & 20. Please indicate if you are also available on December 21. IN SUBJECT AREA: “Your Name – High Fashion Film”

Thank you, and I look forward to reviewing your submissions

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