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Extras Casting Call in New York for HBO’s “Succession”

GWC of NYC is now casting paid extras in the area to fill the following roles.

Grant Wilfley Casting is seeking NON UNION– Men & Women, all ethnicities, 30s-60s age range, to portray media types (journalists/photographers, etc) on season 2 of the HBO series “Succession”.Filming Friday 8/2 in Manhattan. Interior work. Should own business attire. Men should be comfortable being clean shaven.

If interested and available please email in to with the following information:

– Name – Union Status – Phone Number – Confirmation of full day availability for 8/2 – Confirm comfortable with clean shaven (men) – Confirm you own business attire – Clear current photo that accurately depicts your current look – If selected what 2 forms of ID you will bring to fill out I-9 paperwork – Please change email subject line to “Media Type-Facebook”



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